Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Getting Off The Grid - Are We There Yet?

fig preserves

Hey Y`all! I know I have sort of disappeared for a while only checking in  a couple times a month but I am still here and still going strong on the homestead.

While I did not have a garden this year I am still blessed with what nature already had waiting, all the wild foods and the fruit bushes and tress. I have not been idle at all.

Sometimes I have to lay something aside to complete a homestead project, there is just no way I could do it all, all by myself. God works in mysterious ways!

The homestead has to make money, that was the point of a homestead in the first place, to "go" off to work less and make a living at home with what I grow, or is already living free around me, and what I can prepare to sell. This summer has been a real learning experience, so much so I am writing a book, no peeking its not finished. :)

So what is happening?

1 - Its fig season here in central Alabama! I have canned a couple cases of fig preserves, I have given away figs and I did not get to the top of this bush, that is actually now a tree, so the birds are fed as well as the ants. This fig bush/tree has fed us, people, insects and animals at all levels!

2 - I am collecting wild plants for later use, and to make products for Sunshine`s Homestead Creations, drying them naturally, so I am doing this as I get a rack dried, I go get more.

3 - I am prepping for the up coming announcements, a new stage for the homestead. I had to make signs and I drove one into the ground and I made a gate, I hope to hang soon. 

What is next?

This evening I plan to dig the holes for the posts that will hold the gate and if I have time trim the overgrowth down the driveway. 

Later in the month :

deer eating on  acre #2 a few years ago

Since the summer has been mild I will get back to clearing the over grown bushes, I just have to watch out for snakes, its breeding time so they are out! Snakes blow a stink to run people off, so if you are out and about and smell a sudden rotted or harsh nasty scent, a snake will be near by.

I will also begin the foundation to the first building in a clear area at the back of the second acre. This will be a happy day for me! I do have the lumber ready.

The Learning

I have learned this year that it does NOT take much to live, I am sure it would take less if I were actually all the way off grid with a well but I am taking one step at a time, no need to rush in when I know I am not ready.

I am learning to be prepared for the unexpected.

I am learning that man made is not always as good as homemade.

The Selling 

honeysuckle jelly

I have put out the word for the homestead, as you know word of mouth is just as good, if not better than a neon sign, about the jellies, jams and preserves I make and sell. So far those sales are up. You may purchase my  homemade lotions, soaps, sunscreen, insert repellent and more online, so check out the online store. All made as natural as possible. Sunshine`s Homestead Creations.   For special Jelly/jam orders contact me personally as those are not listed online, available honeysuckle, rose, mint, seedless blackberry and fig.

There is the update and I will try to get back here to let you all know how life is going on this homestead. 

How is your homestead this year? 

By Andria Perry
Photos by Andria Perry


  1. Everything takes time and it will all come together when it is meant to. I am finding that one out for myself.

    1. A season for everything. Glad you`re back Brenda.

  2. The jelly looks amazing. The figs look incredible. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. So what rules, regulations, inspections, permits have you had to endure to get to actual selling?

    2. Selling food? All of them, but if you sell at the farmers markets or trade days, Yard sales etc. None.

      I am in the middle of setting up a building just for home canning, it takes a while to get everything ready, Business license to sell first, the rental business license cannot be used to cover this business. Health inspections, yes. As far as regulations I already know all of those, a plus is I do not add any dyes to my foods and they only contain minimal ingredients.

      So clearing land, getting the gate up first, I have signs posted for some protection and I will be setting up this fall hopefully, if its Gods will.
